Friday, September 5, 2008

Toby Keith Offers Mindless Boozy Fun

Paula Abdul can be the perfect talent-extension well the judge. DioGuardi, the sources say the MAG, are assurance against the unexpected absences of Abdul. Thus because l idolo American must introduce Kara DioGuardi in the judgment pen? APPROVAL! the bucket says that the seasons precedence have seen the producers sudare the Coca-Cola Over Abdul absentees and they are approached the mancanze. Intra-it judges the controversies. But nobody is frightened that Abdul would put entire. The applauses of the packing. A source says that Abdul loves its job. She hardly doesn of t conservation programs to always live-TV.. The frequent ones digressions from truth, continuation from the catnaps in Simon Cowell open baskets of the sporco-T-shirt of s.

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